Spinal Surgery in Delhi

Spine surgery is quite an exclusive field in UK and I was fortunate to work alongside Mr. C.C. Crawshaw in Gloucester and Mr. Peter Webb & Mr.PradeepMadhavan in Musgrove Park Hospital at Taunton doing advanced spine surgery for over a year. Spine surgery and management of back pain is more than just looking at MRI scans and it is his firm belief that back careis all about restoring the mechanics of the back and return to early function.Our team at FORTIS, VasantKunj possibly is one of the busiest team in North India for managing spine problems.
The team runs a well organisedprogramme for managing such problems in all age groups although our special interest remains in doing so in the elderly/ degenerative spine conditions. We undertake clinics in managing these problems both operatively and non- operatively. Along with our anaesthetic colleagues we have consistently delivered satisfactory results in a large group of patients. We are well versed and have the necessary infra-structure and equipment for procedures such as Nucleoplasty/ nerve root blocks and epidural injections. We also run an advanced physiotherapy program in our hospital for managing these problems.